Calculates the ranges of summary statistics from the output of two or more runs of the MCMC algorithm.


# S4 method for EventsMCMC
sensitivity(..., positions = NULL, level = 0.95)



Any EventsMCMC object.


A numeric vector specifying the positions of the columns corresponding to the MCMC chains of interest, or a character vector of column names.


A length-one numeric vector giving the confidence level.


A data.frame.


This function is useful for estimating the sensitivity of calibration results to different model parameters.

See also


T. S. Dye, N. Frerebeau


## Coerce to MCMC
eve <- as_events(mcmc_events, calendar = CE(), iteration = 1)

## Returns 0's
sensitivity(eve, eve)
#>    mad mean sd min q1 median q3 max start end
#> E1   0    0  0   0  0      0  0   0     0   0
#> E2   0    0  0   0  0      0  0   0     0   0
#> E3   0    0  0   0  0      0  0   0     0   0
#> E4   0    0  0   0  0      0  0   0     0   0